We at Nevada County Properties, Recreation Realty look forward to serving all your Nevada County real estate property needs.
Located in the heart of Nevada County’s beautiful recreation area and gateway to Tahoe National Forest & Scotts Flat Lake, Nevada County Properties is located on Highway 20 at the juncture with Scotts Flat Road and Scotts Flat Lake recreation area. Our roots are in this office where John started as Recreation Realty in 1973.
We share our building with the award winning Harmony Ridge Market. Just across Highway 20 is the historic Five Mile House. The scenic Pioneer Trail starts at our back door.
What a fabulous place to work, play and service YOU – our friends and customers.
Thank you Nevada County for the impressive growth we have experience these last few years. To better serve you, we have opened a second office at 432 Broad Street in Nevada City. Come meet with us at the top of Broad Street in historic downtown Nevada City.
Scotts Flat Lake Area
18848 Hwy. 20,
Nevada City, CA 95959
Phone: 530 265-6565
Fax: 530-265-6266
Downtown Nevada City
432 Broad Street
Nevada City, CA 95959
Phone: 530-264-7586
Fax: 530-264-7587
Mailing Address:
PO Box 625
Nevada City, CA 95959
Phone: 530-265-6565
Fax: 530-265-6266